Monday 31 December 2007

Here I am again!!

Well it is the last day of 2007, a year that has seen a lot of comings and goings- not all in the direction I expected! When we flew back to England in July we really didn't know what to expect. We were on a bit of a rollercoaster emotionally. But we soon settle down into life in Dartmouth. Julia went to Brownie camp and then moved up to Guides. Lydia found a new singing teacher and had a term of lessons ,she also joined the Saturday morning orchestra and will continue with that in the new year.
But the biggest turn around was our decision to keep Pumpkin and bring her back to England- as quickly as possible!! To that end Phil and Daniel are flying out to Cebu on 2nd Jan to sail the first leg to Klang in Malaysia where it is planned that Daniel will fly back to England and Phil will take on new crew in the form of Chris and Katie Devenish.
This of course means that the girls and I are going to be on our own for quite some time,which is not great, but this trip for Phil will be a great experience. Since leaving the RM band he has benn a bit in limbo, too much DIY at home and at Church and not enough music ( which, lets face it is what he does best!) so this for him, especially the chance to spend time with Dan will be great.
I am going to try and write more frequently this year and keep a record of Pumpkin's doings!!

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